Exterior Painting

McCain Manufacturing Building, Vista

  • Property Manager

    McCain Manufacturing

  • Date Completed

    October 2021

  • Project Type

    Commercial Renovation Project
    Exterior Painting

  • Project Information

    Commercial Renovation Project: Coastal painted 26,700 square feet of commercial building façade using Sherwin Williams Loxon Acrylic Conditioner primer and two coats of Sherwin Williams Conflex Sherlastic Elastomeric Coating. Using a boom lift for application, Coastal mimicked the building’s existing paint scheme.

    In addition to exterior painting, Coastal removed and replaced 1,000 linear feet of existing tilt up sealant and backer rod using Sika-2 C NS sealant. Also, filled, patched and sealed cracks in concrete tilt up panels using Sika-11 FC and elastomeric patching compound. To complete the building’s waterproofing package, wet sealed 13,132 linear feet of windows by removing and replacing deteriorated gaskets using DowSil 795 and installing Bostik PRO-MS 50 anodized aluminum over window perimeter sealant.